Asphalt Patching Tools and Equipment
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Shop Asphalt Kingdom Asphalt Pothole Patching Equipment & Tools
Shop asphalt patching equipment and tools here at Asphalt Kingdom! Whether you need an infrared asphalt heater, an asphalt roller, a tamper tool, or a lute, we got it all right here.
Potholes are not just an eyesore; they're also a liability. So it's crucial to fix them before they become bigger and turn a driveway or parking lot into an unsafe place.
Whether you're planning to conduct pothole patching on your own or you're an asphalt maintenance contractor, here are the things you need to fix that pothole.
Asphalt Pothole Patching Tools and Equipment
Infrared Asphalt Heater
Fix a pothole in less than 15 minutes with the Infrared Asphalt Heater. How does this amazing piece of equipment do that?
This asphalt heater heats asphalt using infrared, softening it and making it workable enough for patching. It produces a very high infrared heat that softens asphalt in less than 10 minutes!
It's 100% portable and made for one-man operation. Just wheel it on top of the pothole, heat it, rework the area with a lute, compact it, and you're good to go.
Thanks to its compact size and affordability, this infrared asphalt heater is made for both commercial property owners and asphalt contractors. This pothole patching equipment can be used all year long.
Asphalt Roller
Once you're done reworking that pothole and adding asphalt millings, it's time to compact it with an asphalt roller. This pothole patching equipment is a must if you want to boost efficiency or have multiple potholes to fix.
Powered by a robust gas-powered engine and features a solid all-steel frame that can take on the toughest compacting jobs.
Asphalt Tamper Tool
Whether you are a full-time contractor or a property owner, you will need an asphalt tamper tool. This handy pothole patching tool is made of solid steel and 100% welded for added durability. The handle is wrapped in rubber to prevent it from slipping from your grasp while you tamp down asphalt.
Asphalt Lute
Looking for an asphalt lute? We've got you covered. You can purchase one (or more!) here at the Asphalt Kingdom asphalt patching store.
Our asphalt lute features a magnesium head that can withstand extremely high heat. With blunt and sharp edges that make it easy to rework asphalt during patching. It also comes with a durable yet lightweight aluminum handle.
How to Fix Potholes in an Asphalt Driveway or Parking Lot
1. Prep the pothole by removing loose asphalt, leaves, and other debris.
2. Turn on the Infrared Asphalt Heater and place it over the pothole or depressed asphalt. Wait for the asphalt to soften before you remove the heater.
3. Once the pothole has become soft, use the lute to rework the entire section. Add some asphalt millings to make sure that the area is filled and doesn't buckle under weight.
4. Spray some asphalt millings rejuvenator onto the patched area before compacting it with a tamper tool or an asphalt roller.
This is just an overview. Check out Asphalt Kingdom's Comprehensive Guide to Asphalt Patching for more!
Looking for parts and accessories for your patching equipment? We have them in stock and ready to ship! We've got the asphalt patching tools and equipment you need to fill holes in asphalt quickly and professionally. Need to fill cracks in pavement? Visit our Asphalt Crack Repair center.
Not sure what asphalt patching equipment and tools you need? We can help you! Get in touch with us to learn more about our asphalt repair equipment for sale.
Complete your asphalt maintenance arsenal with the Asphalt Kingdom patching equipment and power tools.