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Crackfiller Questions

  • 6.7 linear ft of coverage per pound of crackfiller. This means you get 200 linear ft per 30 LBS box of crackfiller.
  • 7,200 linear feet per half pallet of thirty six 30 LBS boxes
  • 15,000 linear feet with a pallet including seventy five 30 LBS boxes.
You can fill cracks as long as the pavement is 40°F or warmer. If it is colder but you need to fill cracks, use a heat lance to heat the pavement up before you apply it.
The best temperature for heating your material to is 380 - 400°F (193 - 204°C) ; any higher than 400°F may severely damage product. Prolonged heating can also damage the product - heat it only when you are ready to apply it.
Our crack filler has a shelf life of 10 years unopened. It's why so many of our customers choose to take advantage our half-pallet and pallet offerings: the savings are so high it is worth storing them until you need them. It can be stored outside; just cover it with weather-resistant pallet wrap and keep it out of the sun.
At that temperature, expect it to dry in 3-4 hours. It will continue to cure for another 24-48 hours, after which time you can sealcoat over it to help with durability.
Gator Patch is just a patch, not a resurfacer. It is designed to patch areas with cracks up to 1" deep. You would save money if you use Gator Patch on alligator cracks then sealcoat everywhere else.
You can put them down in either order; however if you put the Gator Patch down first and then sealcoat over top of it for a more uniform finish.
It's like peanut butter on toast: you want a layer that covers pavement and seeps into the cracks, but not so thick that it's all Gator Patch and no pavement. The longer your strokes, the more visually appealing it will be when it dries. Use a hard trowel or a stiff squeegee to smooth it on evenly.
Rubberized Hot Pour Filler is a better solution for this problem because it has better expansion properties due to its higher rubber content. Rubber crack filler will expand and contract with heat and cold; Gator Patch does not have the same flexibility, so using it to fill cracks could allow moisture to seep into your asphalt's foundation.
As soon as the crackfill comes back to ambient temperature (same temperature as the air around it), you can go ahead and sealcoat.
Yes, the cold asphalt patch product can be used to build up asphalt. Gator patch would not work for this use though.
Whether you used liquid cold-pour crack filler or rubberized hot-pour crack filler, it is best to let the product dry completely before applying sealer. Depending on ambient and surface temperatures, the actual drying time of the crack fill can vary. We usually recommend allowing crack fill to dry for 24 to 48 hours before applying sealer.

Each box of rubberized crack filler contains a 30-lb. cube.

When melted, each cube yields about 3.6 gallons of liquefied rubber crackfill. This means that if you own a RY10 Pro, you will need about 3 cubes to fill the 10-gallon capacity of this melter applicator.

It is best to use silica sand. Silica sand is basically 99% to 99.5% silicon dioxide, meaning, it is pure, more stable, and is resistant to acid. Regular sand, on the other hand, contains a lot of impurities such as a mix of feldspar and other oxide minerals with very low silica content.
The AK4000 Hot Asphalt Box holds 2 tons of hot asphalt. Heated by two Tiger Torches.
Usually, you can keep unopened Gator Patch up to 2 years. After that long of a period, you have to mix it thoroughly. Ideally, store the Gator Patch around 50°F and not below 32°F as the product would freeze and would be no good.